Detailed information on CBDA oil can be found here.

  • 10 ml bottle with stabilised CBDA oil (6% | 600 mg)
  • THC-free
  • Terpene-free
  • Palm oil free

Original price was: € 99,90.Current price is: € 99,90.incl. tax

Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage

Lowers the stress level

No additives


Stabilised “CBDA RELEAF” for HUMANS and ANIMALS!

The “CBDA RELEAF” can also be administered to your animals in addition to being taken by humans.

  • THC-free: No psychoactive effects
  • Terpene-free: Animals can react sensitively to terpenes in hemp. Removing them avoids allergic reactions and improves flavour/odour
  • Wide range of applications: For a wide range of (domestic) animals to address various health issues

Versatile applications for your furry companion

  • Reduces inflammation, especially in diseases such as arthritis
  • Relieves pain, whether due to injury or age-related complaints
  • Reduces stress and anxiety in pets with behavioural problems
  • Strengthens the immune system and protects against disease and infection
  • Improves skin and coat health, alleviating problems such as eczema and allergies
  • Regulates appetite and digestion, especially in animals with gastrointestinal problems
  • Supports the endocannabinoid system, which regulates important bodily functions

CBDA oil is a versatile dietary supplement for animals that can promote their health and well-being. Consultation with a veterinarian is advisable before use

The effect of CBDA oil on the endocannabinoid system of animals

CBDA oil influences the endocannabinoid system of animals, a complex network of receptors and molecules that plays an important role in the regulation of various bodily functions.
By interacting with this system, CBDA oil can induce various positive effects in animals.

Which animals can use CBDA oil?

CBDA oil is suitable for various (domestic) animals, such as

  • dogs
  • cats and
  • horses

It can be used for animals of all ages and breeds, but it is important to adjust the dosage accordingly.

Is the use of these ingredients safe for animals?

CBDA (cannabidiolic acid):
A naturally occurring compound in the hemp plant offers potential anti-inflammatory and calming properties. It is terpene and THC-free, which means it has no psychoactive effects and is safe for animals.

The first milk after birth in mammals, is rich in antibodies, proteins and nutrients. It supports the immune system and can also help older animals to boost their immunity and promote overall health.

Monolauric acid:
A fatty acid found in coconut oil that has antimicrobial properties. It can help boost the immune system and fight infections in animals.

Lauric acid:
Another fatty acid found in coconut oil that offers similar health benefits to monolauric acid. It can support skin and coat health and also has antimicrobial properties.

These ingredients can work synergistically to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation and promote animal health.

Tips and recommendations for dosing CBDA oil

CBDA oil for animals is usually administered orally by putting the oil directly into the animal’s mouth or via the feed. This allows for easy and effective absorption of the oil by the animal’s body.

Alternatively, CBDA oil can also be used topically by applying it to the animal’s skin.
This can be particularly useful to relieve localised discomfort such as skin irritation or inflammation.

However, the exact dosage and application should always be done in consultation with a veterinarian to achieve the best possible results and ensure the safety of the animal.
Further tips on dosage: See “Dosage” tab.

It is crucial to closely monitor your animal companion’s response and adjust the dosage of “CBDA RELEAF” if necessary or discontinue use of the product. Professional veterinary advice is strongly recommended before administering CBDA oil to your pet to achieve optimal results and ensure the safety of the animal.

This will ensure that your pet receives the best possible support for their health.


"I have a 13 year old dog named Will, I give him 2 drops two times a week in his food and it works great keeping his arthritis pain low and keeping him somewhat healthy :)"

Additional information

Weight 0,1 kg

Monolauric acid
Lauric acid
CBDA: hemp extract from the useful plant Cannabis Sativa L

6% CBDA | 600 mg
THC- and terpene-free

The dosage of CBDA-Ol for (domestic) animals depends on various factors, including the weight, health status and individual reaction of the animal.
response of the animal.
It is recommended to start with a low dose and slowly increase it to find the optimal amount for the animal in question. Here are general
guidelines for dosing CBDA oil for different pets:

  • Cats: Start with 0.5-1 drops per day and increase the dose as needed.
  • Dogs: Start with 1-2 drops per 4.5kg of body weight per day and adjust the dosage accordingly.
  • Horses: Use 0.25-0.5 ml per 45 kg body weight per day and adjust the dosage as needed.

It is important to monitor your pet's reaction closely and adjust the dosage if necessary. It is recommended to always consult a veterinarian before using CBDA-ÔI for pets.

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